Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week 2: Now I'm starting to get it

This time we played four games over two weeks, with each member taking turns to lead the game. Our teammate Pandemic World, led the first game. She advised us not to discard City cards for travelling, instead use them to build research stations in each colour. This can make travelling easier for all of us. She also asked us to keep in mind what kind of cards were there in the Infection Discard Pile, since it goes back to the Infection Deck during an Epidemic. Things were looking good. We managed to cure few diseases, until we lost the game due to way too many outbreaks, which had caused a chain reaction, and led to many more.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Week 1: The Beginning

I don't have much experience playing with board games (except Ludo), so I was excited when our instructor announced that we were going to be playing a board game called Pandemic in class for a month. How cool is that!